Villa Noailles |
If walls could talk ... The story behind the Villa Noailles Villa Noailles is an early modernist house, built by architect R o b e r t M a l l e t - S t e v e n s for art patrons Charles and Marie-Laure de Noailles, between 1923 and 1927. It is located in the hills above Hyères, in theVar, southeastern France.
Villa Noailles |
Villa Noailles - The outdoor bed room! |
Villa Noailles |
Villa Noailles |
J a m e s L o r d, an American writer was a guest of Charles and Marie-Laure de Noailles in the mid-fifties. In his book Picasso and Dora: a memoir he writes:
"...an undistinguished cubist extravaganza of reinforced concrete set atop a high hill, within the ancient walls of a Saracen fortress. It had been designed in the late twenties by a fashionable architect named Mallet-Stevens, contained something like f i f t y (50) r o o m s and was surrounded by a large garden."
He recalls the room, where Marie-Laure tried to seduce him: "...a large salon at Saint-Bernard which had no windows but was lighted from above by a bizarre cubist skylight which occupied almost all the ceiling, adding to the sense of existing outside time in a stranded ocean liner." The beauty of the location did not help, however, the "redoubtable viscountess" in conquering his chastity.
Villa Noailles ceiling sky lights |
Villa Noailles - Ocean liner elegance of the 20s |
Villa Noailles |